Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is Graves disease?

Graves disease is a disease characterized by the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland. Graves disease is classified as an autoimmune disease.

In Graves disease, your immune system mistakenly attacks your thyroid. But instead of destroying the gland, an antibody called Traben stimulates the thyroid to excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. The excess production of thyroid hormone causes of hyperthyroidism.

Graves disease is also known as diffuse goiter thyrotoxic.

What is the thyroid?

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located at the back of the neck below the Adam's apple. The thyroid has two lobes. The lobes are around the trachea. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. Regulation of metabolism is essential in controlling mood, weight and physical and mental energy.

Thyroid disorders caused by overproduction of thyroid hormones are called hyperthyroidism and production of these hormones is known as hypothyroidism.

How serious is the cause of the disease?

The exact cause of Graves disease is unknown.

Severe symptoms of the disease

The most common symptoms are:

  • View overhanging
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • The weight loss
  • Transpiration
  • Fear
  • Increased appetite
  • Nervousness
  • Agitation
  • Heat intolerance
  • Increased sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Muscular weakness
  • Double vision
  • Eye irritation
  • Breast augmentation in men
  • Tremor
  • Frequent Saddles
  • Menstrual Cycle irregularities in women
  • Goitre

Graves disease can be treated?

Yes. The treatments are aimed at controlling the activity in the thyroid. Some common treatments are surgery, the replacement of thyroid hormone, beta-blockers for the treatment of symptoms of a rapid heartbeat, sweating, and anxiety.

What nobody tells you about a body lift

Body lift surgery is sometimes similar to a facelift for the body center "because it takes into account the lower torso and upper legs and ensure improvements in the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs and back Outer area. Body An elevator is a kind of contouring surgery that focuses on the abdomen and thighs and buttocks region.

Body lift surgery is especially useful for women who have undergone stomach stapling (or Bariatric surgery) or for women who have been left with more than loose skin and sag due to pregnancy or weight loss. Liposuction is a better option if your skin is tight, but there are many fat tissue. Talk to a plastic surgeon about your options, but the loose skin in the lower part of your body is the problem than body lift surgery is probably the best chance.

Body lift surgery is an extensive type of surgery that requires a long recovery period. Please be aware that the scars are an inevitable part of a body lift as the thought of scars you bother about the loss of the skin, then weigh the pros and cons of your decision with great care.

Depending on your age and health status at the time of surgery, some patients are not confined to lift more than five pounds at a time and not at all. Walking is a very mild form of exercise that is encouraged, but it is strongly recommended to refrain from other forms of exercise until adequate healing was achieved. For most patients, this means anywhere from six to eight weeks. The average person should be four to six weeks of rehabilitation before they can resume their normal daily activities. It is important that no amount of pressure on the sites of the surgery. Most people can regain their jobs after the start of two to four weeks, assuming there are no major complications of surgery.

It is estimated that 75 percent of the swelling of the operation will begin to show significant improvement at the time that a period of six weeks is reached and that 90 percent of the swelling has to be passed at the time three months have elapsed. The final result of the lift body will be able to be seen once the scars have fully matured in about six months. Be aware that some people who undergo surgery body lift are left with more scars than others and some people will find that their scars fade faster than others. Even the plastic surgeon can predict how many scars will occur and how long or how well the wounds heal.

A body lift is a very expensive plastic surgery which average about $ 13,000 to $ 14,500. He is one of the most expensive of all cosmetic procedures. Check with your insurer to see if it relates to a body before getting up schedule surgery.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Vegetable Need For Body?

Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to keep get healthy. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They contain vitamins, phytochemische, minerals and can protect the body against diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart. Ideally, you should consume five types of vegetables and two kinds of fruit daily.

The vegetables were printed in English in the 14th Century. The word comes from the Latin "vegetabilis and vegetarianism, or animate. This means that part of a plant that more and more.

However, the plants for food is still not clarified until the 18th Century. Science and the traditional definition of vegetables is subjective as arbitrary. Normally, the edible part of the plant is a vegetable. Some are of the opinion that the factory, which is generally not eaten, such as sweet or salty with the food of plant origin.

The customs authorities of different positions including a vegetable in particular the means. Food for the selection and choice of landscape vegetation also a product called vegetables or not.

The mushrooms are a vegetable, even if they are biologically mushrooms.

Grains, nuts, herbs, seeds, spices, fruits and culinary are not considered vegetables, although all of them are edible parts of plants.

In the sense Culinary, vegetables are best not ideal for sweet and salty foods, with few exceptions such as the pumpkin pie with. Once again the definition of vegetables, does not mean that the product must be baked.

Carrots, celery, bell peppers, and are examples of vegetables, which are eaten raw. Many people consume raw potatoes with salt and after washing is. Some people swear on a potato as a quick answer to heartburn.

There are several fruit, normally considered vegetables. Examples: eggplant, tomato, peppers and. That is, in botany, fruit, but they are usually in the context of a tasty dishes, or salted, not eaten as a dessert or with sugar. Therefore, they have vegetables.

The chattering preparatory work could change a fruit into a vegetable.

From a vegetable parts of a plant

Buds: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, artichokes.

Leaf: the Wirz, green, red beets, spinach, vegetables and chicory root.

Grain: Corn.

Leaf stalk: celery, rhubarb, rhubarb is sometimes called a fruit as sweet as the dishes are of this kind

Gaines Foliar: leek.

Immature stem cells Plant: asparagus.

Group of immature plants: Soybean sprouts.

Underground stem of a plant or tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, the sweet potato.

Pears: onions, garlic, shallots.

Roots: carrots, parsnips, beets, radishes, beets.

Botanical fruit: tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplants Capsicum, tomatillos, Christopher, Gumbo.

Whole green capsules (legumes): beans, snap peas.

Legumes: peas, beans.

The use of the term vegetable is more arbitrary, the scientific. You can not always be clear that whatever as a vegetable or a vegetable, not only for all.

Dating a Politician

We live in a society where politics is relative and very interesting. Dating a politician can be exhausting and exciting at the same time. There are no different rules that apply when dating a politician. A politician is no different than any other person you may date.

Since the schedules of most politicians are hectic and unpredictable you may find yourself spending part of your date discussing politics. There are no sure way to get around the topics that are associated with the politicians life.

Pros on dating a politician:

  • If you enjoy the limelight of society then you may find dating a politician exciting
  • Dating a politician may advance your career if you are within the political arena
  • Traveling and supporting the politician with whatever influence you may have
  • Being a part of the political scene may give you the courage to participate in government policies

Cons on dating a politician:

  • Success in the political world may come at a greater price
  • Being photographed at unexpected times and at different events is expected
  • Having a body guard may be part of your daily routine when dating a politician
  • Having your identity exposed to the world may not be what you want. Politicians are scrutinized by the media and since you're dating the politician your life may become an open book

Dating a politician can be just as rewarding as dating any other person or celebrity. You must make the decision of how involved you will be in there life during and after their career.

If you are a politician yourself then you are aware of the stressful and exciting schedule your date may have. The ultimate concern is keeping your identity while dating a politician.



Are you ready to date?

Dating can be fun and exciting. To make the best of out of dating, it is important to be ready.

How to determine if you are ready to date

  • Make sure you are 100% over your ex. If you are not sure whether or not you are over your ex, you may not be absolutely ready to date.

  • The point you are at in your life, is it conducive to you having a good relationship or treating someone the right way?

  • Are you emotional balanced?

  • Can you be honest and completely truthful with the person that you are considering a relationship with? Being ready to date is being ready to possibly enter a relationship and that brings along with it some baggage.


What are Allergies?

An allergy is a hypersensitivity to a foreign substance that is usually harmless but produces a violent reaction in the allergy sufferer. Allergies are generally the body's effort to eliminate something it considers unsuitable.

There are different types of allergies. Some of the most common types are: Nasal allergies, and Chronic Allergies. Nasal allergies refer to the interaction of allergens with cells within the lining of the nose.

Chronic Allergies are a bit more serious than nasal allergies. An individual with chronic allergies may have nasal allergies and will also start to be affected by nonallergic stimuli. These can include dry air, cold air, smoke, and particles in the air. The individual with chronic allergies can follow the same steps to prevent allergies that a person with nasal allergies can. The main difference is knowing which other allergies affect them.

Common allergens include pollens, dust, dust mites, mold spores, and animal dander.

In severe cases, allergies may lend to faulty thinking, and to minimal brain dysfunction in children. A large proportion of the physical suffering in the United States is caused by allergies

What are Allergens?

Allergens are: Some of the most common allergens include pollens, dust, dust mites, fungi, bacteria, insects, mold spores, and animal dander.

If you are allergic to pollen, you can "keep an eye on" the pollen levels in your city. The weather channel has information on pollen levels. Visit Pollen Reports
for more information.

Food Allergens

Twelve of the most frequent food allergens are: milk, caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks (chocolate, coffee, tea, and colas), eggs, cereals (especially corn and wheat), oranges and orange juice, tomatoes and tomato juice, meat (pork, beef, chicken), fish, nuts, vitamin preparations, drugs and food additives.

The following substances are sometimes present in cow's milk may cause human reactions: wheat, peanuts, linseed, cottonseed, ragweed, bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, and other drugs and chemicals. Chronic cough, asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, urinary bleeding, constipation, and recurrent pneumonia may all be caused from milk allergy.

Allergy Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms of allergies are: headache, fatigue, stuffy nose, tremor, and collapse.

Nasal Allergies:

What happens in the body during a nasal allergy?

During a nasal allergy, allergens (dust, mold, pollen, bacteria) enter through the nose. The allergens interact with cells inside the nose. The interaction in the nose causes discharge of a substance called histamine. Histamine causes sneezing, swelling, nasal congestion, and nasal discharge of mucus.

What are the signs and symptoms of a nasal allergy?

The most common symptoms of a nasal allergy are: clear, watery nasal discharge, coughing, itching deep within the ear, itching, watering, and redness of the eyes, nasal itching, nasal stuffiness with subsequent difficulty breathing and sneezing.

Long Term effects of Nasal Allergies

If an individual has nasal allergies, they are more likely to develop sinus infections and asthma.

What are the treatments for Nasal Allergies?

The most important step in allergy treatment is avoiding the allergen. This may be possible for people with pet allergies. This technique is less practical for those who are sensitive to pollens and molds. However, if you are sensitive to pollen, you can reduce the number of pollen producing flowers and trees in or near your home.

Other methods of treatment are: oral antihistamines, antihistamines, nasal steroid sprays, air filters, allergy shots, and Vitamin C

Oral antihistamines are used for short-term allergic disease. They are very effective in controlling symptoms such as sneezing and nasal discharge.

Antihistamines generally don't reduce nasal stuffiness. It is common to add a decongestant, such as pseudoephedrine, to an antihistamine.

Nasal steroid sprays, such as beclomethasone and mometasone, are used for prolonged allergies. They control acute symptoms more effectively than antihistamines.

Air filters and frequent vacuuming are helpful.

Allergy shots can be used in people who have chronic or prolonged periods of allergic disease. The shots desensitize the person to the trigger.

Large amounts of Vitamin C are helpful. Vitamin C is a natural anti-histamine.

What are the side effects of Allergy treatments?

Many over-the-counter antihistamines cause drowsiness and decreased mental alertness. Decongestants can cause elevation of blood pressure, fast heart rate, and difficulty sleeping. Nasal steroids may cause nosebleeds and nasal crusts. Chronic steroid usage can cause bone thinning, predisposition to infection, diabetes, and cataracts.
(*/ www.mamashealth.com)