A large part of healthy aging is a healthy body. A healthy body can become a reality if we begin to eat healthy and keep our bone and muscle strength. It is not surprising that the bone loss and muscle deterioration are two major concerns for the elderly. These two diseases if untreated can lead to serious health problems in men and women. Therefore it is important to eat a good Healthy Diet and nutrition
throughout our lives.One way to protect the health of the bones and muscles, the consumption of whey protein. A recent study in which protein, whey protein casein (milk) showed that older men who appeared more whey protein protein synthesis. With most of the muscle protein synthesis was less loss of time. As we begin to lose muscle mass around age 40, consume more protein from whey and regular exercise can help us to our greatest strength.
Another recent study showed that people who consume low levels of proteins known loss of bone density in just a matter of four years. The study found that the participants experienced the greatest loss of bone in the spine and hip area. It is clear that not much time to our bones and muscles too weak. That is why constant maintenance is essential, even crucial. This is true not only for the elderly, but for people of all ages. Moreover, as a bonus, the protein is known to help people lose weight. Similar to Hoodia pills, protein is known to help you feel more. As you can see, the protein is an important factor for a healthy aging and weight maintenance.
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